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Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Somber signing day?

OK, is it because of the Saints in the Super Bowl or is there something else going on here. National signing day is tomorrow and there seems to be little buzz about it.

You could argue that this class was wrapped up early and that's why there is no buzz.

I'd argue a different point. When you lose recruits to Texas, Tennessee and UCLA, the class loses some buzz. When the top player in the state goes to Auburn , the class loses some buzz.

Going into the year, I thought this would be a tough year to have a great recruiting class because of the down year in the state.. That's proving to be true.

This will be a nationally ranked class, but not what LSU fans have come to know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Florida,Alabama,Tennessee,Aubumn,Texas are doing the job that it takes to win...LSU is slipping down hill...Why?


1:13 PM  

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